Haddy's God Time....
(2010-03-29, 11:28 p.m.)
The encouragement of the LORD is upon you. A new level of survival is present. I see you working away from familiar projects. I see you enjoying a new home as well. Greater favor will occupy your interest. I see you talking about a new living room with more space. The spirit of the LORD says, "You will have more space and enjoy the porch I provide". Money will come your way and money shall be a magnet to you. This is your time to fulfill obligations. I will bring your harvest in and you shall see by the 5th month a new rejoicing. For in this you will know I AM the LORD. Great and mighty is our God Hadassah. I want you to celebrate what the LORD is going to do with you. I also hear, "Favor in the fall". You have questioned many times the LORD and sometimes doubt your own destiny at hand. Do not allow circumstances to dictate what you will receive. Believe in the LORD and he alone shall provide. Declare and give your time to his majesty. Nothing is too difficult for him. He is above all else and will listen to you as you put your faith out there