Haddy's God Time....
~Perfect Peace~
(2010-02-14, 11:48 p.m.)
At night I pray in the spirit. sometimes It's like my eyes are opened briefly and I see shadows of spirts and hear activity buzzing all around me. I sense it's the Spiritual realm. I believe it's there all the time I just don't always see it or sense it.

I've seen an angel before for five nights so I know they are real. I also have experienced the demonic so I know demons are real as well.

Lately whenever I get a God dream or learn something that's going to have a great impact on me I find I am getting attacked spiritually.

I've been pretty much being harassed, and losing my peace.

This morning I had another God dream.
In it my circumstances went from good to way out of control in about 2.5 seconds. I would normally have reacted by being sick to my stomach with worry. I would hav completely been intimidated. Instead the peace of God came over me. I walked the scenario out in perfect peace.
The dream really spoke to me of not letting my circumstances run me ragged. I have Holy Spirit living in me. I have nothing to fear or worry about.
